Tuesday, 26 October 2021

26/10/21 (20) Fatigue again. And again...

It turned into rather a strange day.I got up early to drive to the GP surgery a bit before 08:00 and when they opened the doors at 08:05 I went in , announced myself, explained why I was there all over again, and was told to come back at 09:10!

Not pleased at all, needless to say. but it gave me time to get home for a boiled egg breakfast before driving back again. About a fifteen minute delay before seeing Dr.Ku and after going through it all yet another time and showing him the most recent photos he asked me to send the photos in via an email link and  will refer to a dermatologist for an opinion. I asked about skin biopsy etc. but he can't order those himself, it would have to come from the specialist. He's obviously pulling back from the vasculitis theory in favour of a reaction to lenalidomide, which is certainly a possibility.

Got home and had one of my classic collapses, falling asleep in my chair downstairs with complete weariness. Eventually got over that, felt a bit more energetic and decided to do some hedge-trimming on the box hedge in the front garden. At least that was enough to get me past my fairly high Activity Target for the day.

Had lunch (Sue brought something back from Billericay)  and went straight into another bout of fatigue...

For the first time decided to skip boules at Tower, just felt too tired to go and enjoy it. Plan was to stay home and watch the Bake-Off in real time for once, but still managed to fall asleep near the end so don't yet know who went home...

No rush to get up early tomorrow so I hope for a decent sleep and a more normal day.

UPDATE 27/10/21 00:29 - as usual, feel far fresher, more energetic and wide-awake after my midnight shower than I did all day yesterday. The curse of being a natural-born night owl...

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