It started with losing the EPAP anti-snoring device that lives in my right ear overnight. Usually one of the first things I do in the morning is to download the data from that and from the continuous O2 sensor, but yesterday morning the EPAP went missing. I had to turn over quite a bit of the house before I eventually found it under the bed. It must have fallen out of my ear and then I unknowingly back-heeled it under the bed...
I've mentioned problems with our phone system before. They hit crisis point yesterday and - well, I won't bore readers with the details but it was extremely frustrating and we ended up equally impatient with each other, BT, and the universe in general. The upshot is that we are now convinced that there is a line fault behind it all and BT, who seem to agree, are sending an engineer on Tuesday.
Did the Pill Organisation in the morning and emailed Ken at Birchanger Petanque to see if there was going to be anything on in the evening, as it was much warmer than recently. The answer came back "yes" so I went out, very happy to get away from the house for a while. Really needed a break. Only four players there, me included. Played two games, won one, lost the other.
I'm in the middle of one of those patches where my balance is bad - not so bad that I fall over, but bad enough that I think I'm going to. and that made me really slow on the piste, just as at home - which made the day even more frustrating than it was anyway. Getting up from my chair downstairs, and from the stool in use in the shower, has been far harder than it should. I put it down to lack of exercise for the last week or so and that's easily fixed as long as the weather stays not too bad.