Sunday, 26 December 2021

26/12/21 Tough turkey, weight, water

Yesterday was a pretty good day overall despite being too wet for a walk and the Tesco turkey crown being a bit on the tough side. No natural fats in the crown, of course, and no amount of basting can cover for that. If I do a crown next year I'll stuff some garlic and herb butter between the skin and the flesh. That should help it. Forecast not much better for Boxing Day, so it may be a matter of grabbing a quick local walk during the rain breaks.

Weigtht was 94.5kg yesterday morning (too much, I know...) and on getting out of the shower jusy now it was 94.1.So I've lost 0.3 kg during a day with Christmas lunch. etc. It seems unlikely. The Furosemide I took in the morning must be the answer - I certainly urinated profusely for several hours around mid-day. Must have been a good deal of ddex-inspired water retention. OTOH the ankle swelling doesn't look much different from yesterday, so I think I'll take another diuretic later this morning.

BTW yesterday (Sunday) morning was the second 10mg dex of the week. Dex doesn't affect my sleep anything like as much as it used to, or have any obvious effects on mood (I think!) but that doesn't mean that there are no other less obvious effects. And water retention may sell be one of them. Perhaps it's something I should plan for a little more carefully in the future.

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