Tuesday, 13 July 2021

13/07/21 Right foot pain

Now sure this is a sprain and not anything nastier. A bit worse again this morning, but localised to an area on the top and inside, a couple of inches back from the base of the big toe. Just sprayed with Deep Heat again. I can tweak it easily by doing my Achilles tendon exercises - ankle flexed and turned outwards. I can't get as far as I know I should.

According to this diagram, the relevant area is the joint between the 1st metatarsal and the medial cuneiform. I'm not sure if the terminology is 100% up to date:

I tried to find a reasonably simple diagram of the ligaments, but all of the ones I came up with were from the point of view of the outside of the foot or concentrated on the ankle at the expense of the foot itself. Annoying!

Just done BP again at 12:23. 119/76, pulse 71. That puts me in Ideal, even if by just one systolic point. Main thing is that it has dropped since early morning.

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