Thursday, 29 July 2021

29/07/21 Rain. Again.

A wet morning nade us abandon plans to go to Great Notley Country Park (no shelter) but we went to Oaklands for a walk twice round and lunch during a break from the rain. And then had a downpour on the way back home...

Have started work on my collection of diagnosis stories from the facebook group, anonymising, getting consent to forward outside the group, and etc. before sending them all to MyelomaUK where I hope they may do some good. Another couple of fairly uninterrupted days to go before I've finished the job, I think. And one way and another I don't get many of those...

I hear that the grass carp video went down well!

Back to single senna until Saturday evening. Things seem relatively easy to manage at the moment, haven't needed a Fybogel or Laxido for a few weeks.

About to start Week 4 of the current consolidation cycle - the one with no Lenalidomide. So it's going to be back to worrying about the next set of bloods (due August 5th), Zometa drip, and all the rest that happens at this stage, including another face-to-face with my haematologist.

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